Online Gambling has become an increasingly common activity in recent years as people have access to a range of different games and betting apps. However, online gambling can be problematic if it affects an individual’s life or relationships. This is particularly true if someone has a mental health condition such as depression or anxiety. In addition, it can have a negative impact on their finances and lead to debt. The good news is, there are ways that you can recognise when you’re gambling too much and take steps to reduce the amount of time you spend gaming.
The most common route for accessing online gambling is via a computer or laptop, followed by a smartphone. The number of accounts held by those who gamble has remained roughly the same over the last few years, although it is important to note that only around a third of all online gamblers report having more than one account.
Home remains the most popular place for people to gamble online, but it is worth noting that just over a fifth of all online gamblers say they have gambled at work or while commuting. This is likely to reflect the fact that the lines between home and work are blurred in many workplaces, especially since the introduction of flexible working practices.
In the UK, it is legal to gamble at a licensed online casino or to use a betting app to place bets on sports events. However, the government is reviewing these laws and there are some concerns that the current restrictions could cause problems for vulnerable people.